
With the events theme of sustainable development, and it’s deep ties to maker culture, we’re sure you’ll have ideas how a partnership could bring benefit to you and your organization.

Partnership Interest Form

Partners for 2021

Help Make Hard Reboot Possible

Film Screenings
Film Screenings are an intelligent and entertaining way of engaging the audience. We could use help with the acquiring the Audio/Visual equipment to make this possible.
Waste Diversion

All events produce waste, but Hard Reboot is committed to divert 85%+ event waste from ending up in the landfill. This means careful waste collection and separation. Green initiatives like this cost more, but are worth it for everyone. We could use a partner who agrees that this practice should be part of all such events.

Getting people to Hard Reboot

It doesn’t make sense for everyone attending Hard Reboot to drive to the event. While we are encouraging people to car pool we would also like to coordinate shuttle busses from the closest bus station, and from Calgary. We could use help in finding a good solution for this.

Beer, Cider, & Wine

We are looking to partner with British Columbia / Columbia Valley breweries and wineries who want to share their passion for making.


Workshops can always use support and the right workshop, or series of workshops, might just tie in well with your brand.

Volunteers Needed

Hard Reboot is completely volunteer run. We’re always looking for people passionate about the maker movement to join the crew. While it’s a lot of work running an event, it’s also the most rewarding thing many of us get to do.

Help a maker attend

Like any conference not everyone who wants to attend can afford to, or at least not without some help. We’re looking for partners to help us subsidize entry passes.

Partnership Interest Form